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Welcome to

CHRIST EMBASSY            

AUSTRALIA your life a meaning




Being in Christ Embassy is more than being in a church; it’s more than a church. It’s a vision, and when you worship at Christ Embassy, you learn more than just the letters; it’s the spirit of the word. The Spirit of God gets a hold of your life, and then His Vision becomes real, not only to you, but He makes that vision real in such a way that others get to know what the word of God really is by watching the word of God manifested in your life every day. That is the reason we like people to come to Christ Embassy, that’s the reason they are invited. They are being a part of something that is more than a church, it’s a vision, God’s Vision.

...Rev. Chris Oyakhilome DSc, DD



In Christ Embassy Australia, something is always happening somewhere at every single point in time... We have lots of amazing events lined up for you in all our churches, cells, departments, and affiliate organisations all through the year... These events are designed to help you and many others live and sustain the glory life in Christ (2 Peter 1:3)...


Leaders' Rendezvous (10am)


Special Service Coordinated by
(Wo)men Fellowship
(6 - 8pm)


Cell Movie Night

“In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.” 

Ecclesiastes 11:6 ESV

ABN 33458388218

Tel: +61 397921009



11 / 1 - 11 Bryants Road

Dandenong VIC 3175


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@2022 by LOVEWORLD Australia

We'll be in touch with you soon... God Bless You...

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